Source code for csbot.plugins.last

from csbot.plugin import Plugin
from csbot.util import nick
from import Event
from datetime import datetime
import pymongo

[docs]class Last(Plugin): """Utility plugin to record the last message (and time said) of a user. Records both messages and actions individually, and allows querying on either. """ db = Plugin.use('mongodb', collection='last')
[docs] def last(self, nick, channel=None, msgtype=None): """Get the last thing said (including actions) by a given nick, optionally filtering by channel. """ search = {'nick': nick} if channel is not None: search['channel'] = channel if msgtype is not None: search['type'] = msgtype # Additional sorting by _id to make sort order stable for messages that arrive in the same millisecond # (which sometimes happens during tests). return self.db.find_one(search, sort=[('when', pymongo.DESCENDING), ('_id', pymongo.DESCENDING)])
[docs] def last_message(self, nick, channel=None): """Get the last message sent by a nick, optionally filtering by channel. """ return self.last(nick, channel=channel, msgtype='message')
[docs] def last_action(self, nick, channel=None): """Get the last action sent by a nick, optionally filtering by channel. """ return self.last(nick, channel=channel, msgtype='action')
[docs] def last_command(self, nick, channel=None): """Get the last command sent by a nick, optionally filtering by channel. """ return self.last(nick, channel=channel, msgtype='command')
[docs] @Plugin.hook('core.message.privmsg') def record_message(self, event): """Record the receipt of a new message. """ # Check if this is an action if event['message'].startswith('\x01ACTION'): return # Check if this is a command if event['message'].startswith( return self.record(event, nick(event['user']), event['channel'], 'message', event['message'])
[docs] @Plugin.hook('core.message.privmsg') def record_command(self, event): """Record the receipt of a new command. """ if not event['message'].startswith( return self.record(event, nick(event['user']), event['channel'], 'command', event['message'])
[docs] @Plugin.hook('core.message.action') def record_action(self, event): """Record the receipt of a new action. """ self.record(event, nick(event['user']), event['channel'], 'action', event['message'])
[docs] def record(self, event, nick, channel, msgtype, msg): """Record a new message, of a given type. """ self._schedule_update(event, {'nick': nick, 'channel': channel, 'type': msgtype}, {'nick': nick, 'channel': channel, 'type': msgtype, 'when':, 'message': msg})
def _schedule_update(self, e, query, update):, 'last.update', {'query': query, 'update': update})) @Plugin.hook('last.update') def _apply_update(self, e): self.db.replace_one(e['query'], e['update'], upsert=True)
[docs] @Plugin.command('seen', help=('seen nick [type]: show the last thing' ' said by a nick in this channel, optionally' ' filtering by type: message, action,' ' or command.')) def show_seen(self, event): splitted = event['data'].split() thenick = splitted[0] msgtype = splitted[1] if len(splitted) > 1 else None if msgtype not in ['message', 'command', 'action', None]: event.reply('Bad filter: {}. Accepted are "message", "command", and "action".'.format(msgtype)) return message = self.last(thenick, channel=event['channel'], msgtype=msgtype) if message is None: event.reply('Nothing recorded for {}'.format(thenick)) elif message['type'] in ['message', 'command']: event.reply('[{}] <{}> {}'.format(message['when'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), thenick, message['message'])) else: event.reply('[{}] * {} {}'.format(message['when'].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), thenick, message['message']))