Source code for csbot.plugins.calc

import ast
import operator as op
import math

from csbot.plugin import Plugin
from csbot.util import pairwise

[docs]def is_too_long(n): # Don't care about floats return isinstance(n, int) and n != 0 and math.log10(abs(n)) > 127
[docs]def guarded_power(a, b): """A limited power function to make sure that commands do not take too long to process. """ if any(abs(n) > 1000 for n in [a, b]): raise CalcError("would take too long to calculate") try: return op.pow(a, b) except OverflowError: raise CalcError("too large to represent as float")
[docs]def guarded_lshift(a, b): if not (isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int)): raise CalcError("non-integer shift values") elif b.bit_length() > 64: # Only need to check how much the number is being shifted by raise CalcError("would take too long to calculate") return op.lshift(a, b)
[docs]def guarded_rshift(a, b): if not (isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int)): raise CalcError("non-integer shift values") return op.rshift(a, b)
# Available operators operators = { # boolop ast.And: op.and_, ast.Or: op.or_, # operator ast.Add: op.add, ast.Sub: op.sub, ast.Mult: op.mul, ast.Div: op.truediv, ast.Mod: op.mod, ast.BitOr: op.or_, ast.BitXor: op.xor, ast.BitAnd: op.and_, ast.FloorDiv: op.floordiv, ast.Pow: guarded_power, ast.LShift: guarded_lshift, ast.RShift: guarded_rshift, # unaryop ast.Invert: op.inv, ast.Not: op.not_, ast.UAdd: op.pos, ast.USub: op.neg, # cmpop ast.Eq: op.eq, ast.NotEq:, ast.Lt:, ast.LtE: op.le, ast.Gt:, ast.GtE:, ast.Is: op.is_, ast.IsNot: op.is_not, }
[docs]def guarded_factorial(a): # Any larger than this would be too long to output regardless if a > 100: raise CalcError("would take too long to calculate") return math.factorial(a)
identifiers = { # Available constants "e": math.e, "pi": math.pi, "π": math.pi, "F": 1.2096, # Barrucadu's Constant (seconds in a microfortnight) "c": 299792458, # m s-1 "G": 6.6738480e-11, # m3 kg-1 s-2 "h": 6.6260695729e-34, # J s "N": 6.0221412927e23, # mol-1 # Available functions "ceil": math.ceil, "factorial": guarded_factorial, "floor": math.floor, "isfinite": math.isfinite, "isinf": math.isinf, "isnan": math.isnan, "exp": math.exp, "log": math.log, "sqrt": math.sqrt, # Trig "acos": math.acos, "asin": math.asin, "atan": math.atan, "cos": math.cos, "sin": math.sin, "tan": math.tan, "degrees": math.degrees, "deg": math.degrees, "radians": math.radians, "rad": math.radians, }
[docs]class CalcEval(ast.NodeVisitor):
[docs] def visit_Module(self, node): return self.visit(node.body[0]) # Special case, since we're only dealing with one-liners
[docs] def visit_Expr(self, node): return self.visit(node.value) # Reimplementation needed or it goes via generic_visit
[docs] def visit_BinOp(self, node): left = self.visit(node.left) right = self.visit(node.right) if node.op.__class__ in (ast.Mod, ast.Div, ast.FloorDiv) and right == 0: raise CalcError("division by zero") try: operator = operators[node.op.__class__] except KeyError: raise CalcError("invalid operator") try: return operator(left, right) except TypeError: raise CalcError("invalid arguments")
[docs] def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): try: operator = operators[node.op.__class__] except KeyError: raise CalcError("invalid operator") operand = self.visit(node.operand) return operator(operand)
[docs] def visit_Compare(self, node): comparisons = zip(node.ops, pairwise([node.left] + node.comparators)) try: return all(operators[op.__class__](self.visit(left), self.visit(right)) for op, (left, right) in comparisons) except KeyError: raise CalcError("invalid operator")
[docs] def visit_Call(self, node): args = [self.visit(arg) for arg in node.args] func = self.visit(node.func) try: return func(*args) except TypeError: raise CalcError("invalid arguments") except ValueError as e: raise CalcError(e)
[docs] def visit_Name(self, node): try: return identifiers[] except KeyError: raise CalcError("unknown constant or function")
[docs] def visit_Num(self, node): return node.n
[docs] def visit_NameConstant(self, node): return node.value
[docs] def visit_Str(self, node): raise CalcError("invalid argument")
[docs] def generic_visit(self, node): """Fallback visitor which always raises an exception. We evaluate expressions by using return values of node visitors, and :meth:`generic_visit` returns None, therefore if it's called we know this is an expression we don't support and should give an error. """ raise CalcError("invalid calculation")
[docs]class CalcError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Calc(Plugin): """A plugin that calculates things. """ def _calc(self, calc_str): """Start the calculation, and handle any exceptions. Returns a string of the answer. """ if not calc_str: return "You want to calculate something? Type in an expression then!" try: try: parsed = ast.parse(calc_str) except SyntaxError: raise CalcError("invalid syntax") except MemoryError: raise CalcError("unable to parse") res = CalcEval().visit(parsed) if res is None: raise CalcError("invalid calculation") if is_too_long(res): raise CalcError("result too long to be printed") return str(res) except CalcError as ex: return "Error, {}".format(str(ex))
[docs] @Plugin.command('calc', help='For calculating, not interpreting') def do_some_calc(self, e): """What? You don't have a calculator handy? """ e.reply(self._calc(e["data"]))