Source code for

import datetime
import urllib.parse as urlparse

import isodate
from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle, HTTPError

from ..plugin import Plugin
from .linkinfo import LinkInfoResult

[docs]def get_yt_id(url): """Gets the video ID from a urllib ParseResult object.""" if url.netloc == "": # Must have been passed the video id return url.geturl() elif url.netloc == "": return url.path.strip('/') elif "/v/" in url.path: # Unusual<id> fullscreen urls return url.path.split('/')[-1] elif "details" in url.path or "watch" in url.path: # Must be a 'v' parameter params = urlparse.parse_qs(url.query) if 'v' in params: return params['v'][0] return None
[docs]class YoutubeError(Exception): """Signifies some error occurred accessing the Youtube API. This is only used for actual errors, e.g. invalid API key, not failure to find any data matching a query. Pass the :exc:`~apiclient.errors.HttpError` from the API call as an argument. """ def __init__(self, http_error): super(YoutubeError, self).__init__(http_error) self.http_error = http_error def __str__(self): s = '%s: %s' % (self.http_error.res.status_code, self.http_error.res.json['error']['message']) return s
[docs]class Youtube(Plugin): """A plugin that does some youtube things. Based on williebot youtube plugin. """ CONFIG_DEFAULTS = { 'api_key': '', } CONFIG_ENVVARS = { 'api_key': ['YOUTUBE_DATA_API_KEY'], } RESPONSE = '"{title}" [{duration}] (by {uploader} at {uploaded}) | Views: {views}' CMD_RESPONSE = RESPONSE + ' | {link}'
[docs] async def get_video_json(self, id): async with Aiogoogle(api_key=self.config_get('api_key')) as aiogoogle: youtube_v3 = await'youtube', 'v3') request = youtube_v3.videos.list(id=id, hl='en', part='snippet,contentDetails,statistics') response = await aiogoogle.as_api_key(request) if len(response['items']) == 0: return None else: return response['items'][0]
async def _yt(self, url): """Builds a nicely formatted version of youtube's own internal JSON""" vid_id = get_yt_id(url) if not vid_id: return None try: json = await self.get_video_json(vid_id) if json is None: return None except (KeyError, ValueError): return None except HTTPError as e: # Chain our own exception that gets a more sanitised error message raise YoutubeError(e) from e vid_info = {} try: # Last part of the ID format is the actual ID vid_id = json["id"] vid_info["link"] = "" + vid_id except KeyError: # No point getting any more info if we don't have a valid link return None try: if json["snippet"]["localized"]: vid_info["title"] = json["snippet"]["localized"]["title"] else: vid_info["title"] = json["snippet"]["title"] except KeyError: vid_info["title"] = "N/A" try: vid_info["uploader"] = json["snippet"]["channelTitle"] except KeyError: vid_info["uploader"] = "N/A" try: dt = isodate.parse_datetime(json["snippet"]["publishedAt"]) vid_info["uploaded"] = dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") except KeyError: vid_info["uploaded"] = "N/A" try: duration = isodate.parse_duration(json["contentDetails"]["duration"]) if duration == datetime.timedelta(): vid_info["duration"] = "LIVE" else: vid_info["duration"] = str(duration) if vid_info["duration"].startswith('0:'): vid_info["duration"] = vid_info["duration"][2:] except KeyError: vid_info["duration"] = "N/A" try: views = int(json["statistics"]["viewCount"]) vid_info["views"] = "{:,}".format(views) except KeyError: vid_info["views"] = "N/A" return vid_info
[docs] @Plugin.integrate_with('linkinfo') def linkinfo_integrate(self, linkinfo): """Handle recognised youtube urls.""" async def page_handler(url, match): """Handles privmsg urls.""" try: response = await self._yt(url) if response: return LinkInfoResult(url.geturl(), self.RESPONSE.format(**response)) else: return None except YoutubeError as e: return LinkInfoResult(url.geturl(), str(e), is_error=True) linkinfo.register_handler(lambda url: url.netloc in {"", "", ""}, page_handler)
[docs] @Plugin.command('youtube') @Plugin.command('yt') async def all_hail_our_google_overlords(self, e): """I for one, welcome our Google overlords.""" try: response = await self._yt(urlparse.urlparse(e["data"])) if not response: e.reply("Invalid video ID") else: e.reply(self.CMD_RESPONSE.format(**response)) except YoutubeError as exc: e.reply("Error: " + str(exc))