Source code for csbot.plugins.whois

from csbot.plugin import Plugin
from csbot.util import nick

[docs]class Whois(Plugin): """Associate data with a user and a channel. Users can update their own data, and it persists over nick changes.""" PLUGIN_DEPENDS = ['usertrack'] whoisdb = Plugin.use('mongodb', collection='whois')
[docs] def whois_lookup(self, nick, channel, db=None): """Performs a whois lookup for a nick""" db = db or self.whoisdb for ident in (self.identify_user(nick, channel), # lookup channel specific first self.identify_user(nick)): # default fallback user = db.find_one(ident) if user: return user['data']
[docs] def whois_set(self, nick, whois_str, channel=None, db=None): db = db or self.whoisdb ident = self.whois_unset(nick, channel=channel) ident['data'] = whois_str db.insert_one(ident)
[docs] def whois_unset(self, nick, channel=None, db=None): db = db or self.whoisdb ident = self.identify_user(nick, channel=channel) db.delete_many(ident) return ident
[docs] @Plugin.command('whois', help=('whois [nick]: show whois data for' ' a nick, or for yourself if omitted')) def whois(self, e): """Look up a user by nick, and return what data they have set for themselves (or an error message if there is no data)""" nick_ = e['data'] or nick(e['user']) res = self.whois_lookup(nick_, e['channel']) if res is None: e.reply('No data for {}'.format(nick_)) else: e.reply('{}: {}'.format(nick_, str(res)))
[docs] @Plugin.command('whois.setdefault', help=('whois.setdefault [default_whois]: sets the default' ' whois text for the user, used when no channel-specific' ' one is set')) def setdefault(self, e): self.whois_set(nick(e['user']), e['data'], channel=None)
[docs] @Plugin.command('whois.set') def set(self, e): """Allow a user to associate data with themselves for this channel.""" self.whois_set(nick(e['user']), e['data'], channel=e['channel'])
[docs] @Plugin.command('whois.unset') def unset(self, e): self.whois_unset(nick(e['user']), channel=e['channel'])
[docs] @Plugin.command('whois.unsetdefault') def unsetdefault(self, e): self.whois_unset(nick(e['user']))
[docs] def identify_user(self, nick, channel=None): """Identify a user: by account if authed, if not, by nick. Produces a dict suitable for throwing at mongo.""" user =['usertrack'].get_user(nick) if user['account'] is not None: return {'account': user['account'], 'channel': channel} else: return {'nick': nick, 'channel': channel}