Source code for csbot.plugins.webhook

Uses :mod:`~csbot.plugins.webserver` to create a generic URL for incoming webhooks so that other plugins can handle
webhook events.

To act as a webhook handler, a plugin should hook the ``webhook.{service}`` event, for example::

    class MyPlugin(Plugin):
        async def webhook(self, e):
  'Handling {e["request"]}')

The ``request`` key of the event contains the :class:`aiohttp.web.Request` object.

.. note:: The webhook plugin only responds to ``POST`` requests.


The following configuration options are supported in the ``[webhook]`` config section:

==================  ===========
Setting             Description
==================  ===========
``prefix``          URL prefix for the web server sub-application. Default: ``/webhook``.
``url_secret``      Extra URL component to make valid endpoints hard to guess.
==================  ===========

URL Format & Request Handling

The URL path for a webhook is ``{prefix}/{service}/{url_secret}``. The host and port elements, plus any additional
prefix, are determined by the :mod:`~csbot.plugins.webserver` plugin and/or any reverse-proxy that is in front of it.

For example, the main deployment of csbot received webhooks at ``https://{host}/csbot/webhook/{service}/{url_secret}``
and sits behind nginx with the following configuration::

    location /csbot/ {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8180/;

Module contents
from aiohttp import web

from ..plugin import Plugin

[docs]class Webhook(Plugin): CONFIG_DEFAULTS = { # Prefix for web application 'prefix': '/webhook', # Secret for URLs 'url_secret': '', } CONFIG_ENVVARS = { 'url_secret': ['WEBHOOK_SECRET'], }
[docs] @Plugin.hook('') def create_app(self, e): with e['webserver'].create_subapp(self.config_get('prefix')) as app: app.add_routes(['/{service}/{url_secret}', self.request_handler)])
[docs] async def request_handler(self, request): if self.config_get('url_secret') != request.match_info['url_secret']: return web.HTTPUnauthorized() event_name = f'webhook.{request.match_info["service"]}' await, { 'request': request, }) return web.Response(text="OK")