Source code for csbot.plugins.linkinfo

import os.path
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse, ParseResult
import collections
import datetime
from functools import partial
from typing import (

import aiohttp
import attr
import lxml.etree
import lxml.html

from ..plugin import Plugin
from ..util import simple_http_get_async, maybe_future_result, type_validator
from .. import config

LinkInfoFilterResult = TypeVar("LinkInfoFilterResult")
LinkInfoFilterFunc = Callable[[ParseResult], LinkInfoFilterResult]
LinkInfoHandlerFunc = Callable[[ParseResult, LinkInfoFilterResult], Optional["LinkInfoResult"]]

[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True) class LinkInfoHandler(Generic[LinkInfoFilterResult]): filter: LinkInfoFilterFunc = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.is_callable()) handler: LinkInfoHandlerFunc = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.is_callable()) exclusive: bool = attr.ib(validator=type_validator)
[docs]@attr.s(slots=True) class LinkInfoResult: #: The URL requested url: str = attr.ib(validator=type_validator) #: Information about the URL text: str = attr.ib(validator=type_validator) #: Is an error? is_error: bool = attr.ib(default=False, validator=type_validator) #: URL is not safe for work? nsfw: bool = attr.ib(default=False, validator=type_validator) #: URL information is redundant? (e.g. duplicated in URL string) is_redundant: bool = attr.ib(default=False, validator=type_validator)
[docs] def get_message(self): if self.is_error: return 'Error: {} ({})'.format(self.text, self.url) else: return ('[NSFW] ' if self.nsfw else '') + self.text
[docs]class LinkInfo(Plugin):
[docs] class Config(config.Config): scan_limit = config.option(int, default=1, help="Maximum number of parts of a PRIVMSG to scan for URLs") minimum_slug_length = config.option(int, default=10, help="Minimum slug length in 'title in URL' filter") max_file_ext_length = config.option( int, default=6, help="Maximum file extension length (including the dot) for 'title in URL' filter") minimum_path_match = config.option( float, default=0.5, help="Minimum match (fraction) between path component and title to be considered 'title in URL'") rate_limit_time = config.option(int, default=60, help="Number of seconds for rolling rate limit period") rate_limit_count = config.option(int, default=5, help="maximum rate of URL responses over rate limiting period") max_response_size = config.option(int, default=1048576, help="Maximum HTTP response size (in bytes)")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LinkInfo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # URL handlers self.handlers = [] # URL exclusion filters, with defaults self.excludes = [ # Ignore media links, they'll just waste time and bandwidth lambda url:'\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|mp3|mp4|wav|avi|mkv' r'|mov)$', url.path, re.I), ] # Timestamps of recently handled URLs for cooldown timer self.rate_limit_list = collections.deque()
[docs] def register_handler(self, filter, handler, exclusive=False): """Add a URL handler. *filter* should be a function that returns a True-like or False-like value to indicate whether *handler* should be run for a particular URL. The URL is supplied as a :class:`urlparse:ParseResult` instance. If *handler* is called, it will be as ``handler(url, filter(url))``. The filter result is useful for accessing the results of a regular expression filter, for example. The result should be a :class:`LinkInfoResult` instance. If the result is None instead, the processing will fall through to the next handler; this is the best way to signal that a handler doesn't know what to do with a particular URL. If *exclusive* is True, the fall-through behaviour will not happen, instead terminating the handling with the result of calling *handler*. """ self.handlers.append(LinkInfoHandler(filter, handler, exclusive))
[docs] def register_exclude(self, filter): """Add a URL exclusion filter. *filter* should be a function that returns a True-like or False-like value to indicate whether or not a URL should be excluded from the default title-scraping behaviour (after all registered handlers have been tried). The URL is supplied as a :class:`urlparse.ParseResult` instance. """ self.excludes.append(filter)
[docs] @Plugin.hook('core.message.privmsg') async def scan_privmsg(self, e): """Scan the data of PRIVMSG events for URLs and respond with information about them. """ # Don't want to be scanning URLs inside commands, # especially because we'd show information twice when the "link" # command is invoked... if e['message'].startswith( return parts = e['message'].split() for i, part in enumerate(parts[:self.config.scan_limit]): # Skip parts that don't look like URLs if '://' not in part: continue # Skip rest of message if we've auto-replied to URLs too frequently if self._rate_limited(): break # Get info for the URL result = await self.get_link_info(part) self._log_if_error(result) if result.is_error: # Try next bit if this one didn't work - might have not really # been a valid URL, and we're only guessing after all... continue else: # See if "NSFW" appears anywhere else in the message result.nsfw |= 'nsfw' in ''.join(parts[:i] + parts[i + 1:]).lower() # Send message only if it was interesting enough if not result.is_redundant: e.reply(result.get_message()) # ... and since we got a useful result, stop processing the message break
[docs] async def scrape_html_title(self, url): """Scrape the ``<title>`` tag contents from the HTML page at *url*. Returns a :class:`LinkInfoResult`. """ make_error = partial(LinkInfoResult, url.geturl(), is_error=True) # Let's see what's on the other end... async with simple_http_get_async(url.geturl()) as r: # Only bother with 200 OK if r.status != 200: return make_error('HTTP request failed: {} {}' .format(r.status, r.reason)) # Only process HTML-ish responses if 'Content-Type' not in r.headers: return make_error('No Content-Type header') elif 'html' not in r.headers['Content-Type']: return make_error('Content-Type not HTML-ish: {}' .format(r.headers['Content-Type'])) # Don't try to process massive responses if 'Content-Length' in r.headers: max_size = self.config.max_response_size if int(r.headers['Content-Length']) > max_size: return make_error('Content-Length too large: {} bytes, >{}' .format(r.headers['Content-Length'], max_size)) # Get the correct parser # If present, charset attribute in HTTP Content-Type header takes # precedence, but fallback to default if encoding isn't recognised parser = lxml.html.html_parser if r.charset is not None: encoding = r.charset try: parser = lxml.html.HTMLParser(encoding=encoding) except LookupError: pass # Oh well # In case Content-Length is absent on a massive file, get only a # reasonable chunk instead. We don't just get the first chunk # because chunk-encoded responses iterate over chunks rather than # the size we request... chunk = b'' async for next_chunk in r.content.iter_chunked(self.config.max_response_size): chunk += next_chunk if len(chunk) >= self.config.max_response_size: break # Try to trim chunk to a tag end to help the HTML parser out try: chunk = chunk[:chunk.rindex(b'>') + 1] except ValueError: pass # Attempt to parse as an HTML document html = lxml.etree.fromstring(chunk, parser) if html is None: return make_error('Response not usable as HTML') # Attempt to get the <title> tag title = html.findtext('.//title') or '' # Normalise title whitespace title = ' '.join(title.strip().split()) if not title: return make_error('Missing or empty <title> tag') # Build result result = LinkInfoResult(url.geturl(), title, nsfw=url.netloc.endswith('.xxx')) # See if the title is redundant, i.e. appears in the URL result.is_redundant = self._filter_title_in_url(url, title) return result
def _filter_title_in_url(self, url, title): """See if *title* is represented in *url*. """ # Only match based on the path path = url.path # Ignore case path = path.lower() title = title.lower() # Strip file extension if present if not path.endswith('/'): path_noext, ext = os.path.splitext(path) if len(ext) <= self.config.max_file_ext_length: path = path_noext # Strip characters that are unlikely to end up in a slugified URL strip_pattern = r'[^a-z/]' path = re.sub(strip_pattern, '', path) title = re.sub(strip_pattern, '', title) # Attempt 0: is the title actually just the domain name? if title in url.netloc.lower(): self.log.debug('title "{}" matches domain name "{}"'.format( title, url.netloc)) return True # Attempt 1: is the slugified title entirely within the URL path? if title in path: self.log.debug('title "{}" in "{}"'.format(title, path)) return True # Attempt 2: is some part of the URL path the start of the title? slug_length = self.config.minimum_slug_length for part in path.split('/'): ratio = float(len(part)) / float(len(title)) if (len(part) >= slug_length and title.startswith(part) and ratio >= self.config.minimum_path_match): self.log.debug('path part "{}" matches title "{}"'.format( part, title)) return True # Didn't match return False def _log_if_error(self, result): """If *result* represents an error, log it. """ if result is not None and result.is_error: self.log.debug(result.text + ' (' + result.url + ')') def _rate_limited(self): """Find out if the current call is subject to rate limiting. Somewhat self-policing, this function returns True if it's being called too often. "Too often" is defined as more than ``rate_limit_count`` calls in a ``rate_limit_time`` second period. """ now = delta = datetime.timedelta( seconds=self.config.rate_limit_time) count = self.config.rate_limit_count if len(self.rate_limit_list) < count: self.rate_limit_list.append(now) return False if self.rate_limit_list[0] + delta < now: self.rate_limit_list.popleft() self.rate_limit_list.append(now) return False self.log.debug('rate limiting URL responses') return True