Source code for csbot.plugins.imgur

from ..plugin import Plugin
from ..util import pluralize, simple_http_get_async
from .linkinfo import LinkInfoResult

[docs]class ImgurError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Imgur(Plugin): CONFIG_DEFAULTS = { 'client_id': None, 'client_secret': None, } CONFIG_ENVVARS = { 'client_id': ['IMGUR_CLIENT_ID'], 'client_secret': ['IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET'], }
[docs] @Plugin.integrate_with('linkinfo') def integrate_with_linkinfo(self, linkinfo): linkinfo.register_handler(lambda url: url.netloc in ('', ''), self._linkinfo_handler, exclusive=True)
async def _linkinfo_handler(self, url, match): # Split up endpoint and ID: /<image>, /a/<album> or /gallery/<id> kind, _, id = url.path.lstrip('/').rpartition('/') # Strip file extension from direct image links id = id.partition('.')[0] try: if kind == '': nsfw, title = self._format_image(await self._get_image(id)) elif kind == 'a': nsfw, title = self._format_album(await self._get_album(id), url.fragment) elif kind == 'gallery': data = await self._get_gallery_item(id) if data['is_album']: nsfw, title = self._format_album(data, None) else: nsfw, title = self._format_image(data) else: nsfw, title = False, None except ImgurError as e: return LinkInfoResult(url.geturl(), str(e), is_error=True) if title: return LinkInfoResult(url.geturl(), title, nsfw=nsfw) else: return None @staticmethod def _format_image(data): title = data['title'] or '' return data['nsfw'] or 'nsfw' in title.lower(), title @staticmethod def _format_album(data, image_id): title = '{0} ({1})'.format(data['title'] or 'Untitled album', pluralize(data['images_count'], 'image', 'images')) images = {i['id']: i for i in data['images']} image = images.get(image_id) if image and image['title']: title += ': ' + image['title'] return data['nsfw'] or 'nsfw' in title.lower(), title async def _get(self, url): headers = {'Authorization': f'Client-ID {self.config_get("client_id")}'} async with simple_http_get_async(url, headers=headers) as resp: json = await resp.json() if json['success']: return json['data'] else: raise ImgurError(json['data']['error']) async def _get_image(self, id): return await self._get(f'{id}') async def _get_album(self, id): return await self._get(f'{id}') async def _get_gallery_item(self, id): return await self._get(f'{id}')