Source code for csbot.config

from contextlib import contextmanager
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
import inspect
import io
import logging
import os
import re
from typing import (

import attr
from schematics import Model, types
import schematics.exceptions
import toml
from toml.encoder import _dump_str

_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_METADATA_KEY = 'csbot_config'

[docs]class Config(Model): """Base class for configuration schemas. Use :func:`option`, :func:`option_list` and :func:`option_map` to create fields in the schema. Schemas are also valid option types, so deeper structures can be defined. >>> class MyConfig(Config): ... delay = option(float, default=0.5, help="Number of seconds to wait") ... notify = option_list(str, help="Users to notify") """ def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({', '.join(f'{}={repr(a.value)}' for a in self.atoms())})"
#: Raised when configuration fails to validate ConfigError = schematics.exceptions.DataError _example_mode = False
[docs]@contextmanager def example_mode(): """For the duration of this context manager, try to use example values before default values.""" global _example_mode old = _example_mode _example_mode = True yield _example_mode = old
[docs]class WordList(types.ListType): """A list of strings that also accepts a space-separated string instead.""" def __init__(self, min_size=None, max_size=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(types.StringType, min_size, max_size, **kwargs)
[docs] def convert(self, value, context=None): if isinstance(value, str): value = value.split() return super().convert(value, context)
_T = TypeVar("_T") # Mapping of Python types to Schematics field types _TYPE_MAP = { str: types.StringType, int: types.IntType, float: types.FloatType, bool: types.BooleanType, WordList: WordList, } # Basic option types available to the developer _B = TypeVar("_B", Config, str, int, float, bool, WordList) # Type of default value for an option _DefaultValue = Union[None, _T] # Type of callable to create a default value for an option _DefaultCall = Callable[[], _DefaultValue[_T]] # Type of a "default" or "example" argument _DefaultArg = Union[_DefaultValue[_T], _DefaultCall[_T]]
[docs]def is_config(obj: Any) -> bool: """Is *obj* a configuration class or instance?""" if inspect.isclass(obj): return issubclass(obj, Config) else: return isinstance(obj, Config)
[docs]def is_allowable_type(cls: Type) -> bool: """Is *cls* allowed as a configuration option type?""" return cls in _TYPE_MAP or is_config(cls)
[docs]def structure(data: Mapping[str, Any], cls: Type[Config]) -> Config: """Create an instance of *cls* from plain Python structure *data*.""" o = cls(data) o.validate() return o
[docs]def unstructure(obj: Config) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Get plain Python structured data from *obj*.""" return obj.to_native()
[docs]def loads(s: str, cls: Type[Config]) -> Config: """Create an instance of *cls* from the TOML in *s*.""" return structure(toml.loads(s), cls)
[docs]def dumps(obj: Config) -> str: """Get TOML string representation of *obj*.""" return toml.dumps(unstructure(obj))
[docs]def load(f: TextIO, cls: Type[Config]) -> Config: """Create an instance of *cls* from the TOML in *f*.""" return structure(toml.load(f), cls)
[docs]def dump(obj: Config, f: TextIO): """Write TOML representation of *obj* to *f*.""" return toml.dump(unstructure(obj), f)
class _Default(Generic[_T]): """A callable to get a default or example value. Both *default* and *example* can be either a value or a callable that returns a value. Returns *default* (or the result of calling it, if callable) when called. When called "normally", returns the value of the first environment variable in *env* that exists, or returns *default* if no environment variable is used. When called inside ``with example_mode()``, returns *example* if non-None, otherwise returns *default* (but without environment variable behaviour). This allows configuration to define required fields without default values that can still generate a useful example (see :class:`TomlExampleGenerator`) without otherwise supplying data. """ def __init__(self, default: _DefaultArg = None, example: _DefaultArg = None, env: List[str] = None): self._default: _DefaultCall = default if callable(default) else lambda: default self._example: _DefaultCall = example if callable(example) else lambda: example self._env: List[str] = env or [] def __call__(self) -> Union[str, _DefaultValue[_T]]: global _example_mode if _example_mode: return self._get_example() else: return self._get_default() def _get_default(self, use_env: bool = True) -> Union[str, _DefaultValue[_T]]: if use_env: for var in self._env: if var in os.environ: return os.environ[var] return self._default() def _get_example(self) -> Union[str, _DefaultValue[_T]]: example = self._example() if example is None: example = self._get_default(use_env=False) return example class _OptionKind(Enum): SIMPLE = "simple" STRUCTURE = "structure" SIMPLE_LIST = "simple_list" SIMPLE_MAP = "simple_map" STRUCTURE_LIST = "structure_list" STRUCTURE_MAP = "structure_map" @property def is_simple(self): return self in {self.SIMPLE, self.SIMPLE_LIST, self.SIMPLE_MAP} @attr.s(frozen=True) class _OptionMetadata(Generic[_B]): type: Type[_B] = attr.ib() kind: _OptionKind = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.in_(_OptionKind)) help: str = attr.ib(default="", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str))
[docs]def option(cls: Type[_B], *, required: bool = None, default: _DefaultArg[_B] = None, example: _DefaultArg[_B] = None, env: Union[str, List[str]] = None, help: str): """Create a configuration option that contains a value of type *cls*. :param cls: Option type (see :func:`is_allowable_type`) :param required: A non-None value is required? (default: False if default is None, otherwise True) :param default: Default value if no value is supplied (default: None) :param example: Default value when generating example configuration (default: None) :param env: Environment variables to try if no value is supplied, before using default (default: []) :param help: Description of option, included when generating example configuration """ if not is_allowable_type(cls): raise TypeError(f"cls must be subclass of Config or one of {_TYPE_MAP.keys()}") if required is None: required = default is not None if isinstance(env, str): env = [env] if is_config(cls): field = partial(types.ModelType, cls) else: field = _TYPE_MAP[cls] field_kwargs = { "required": required, "default": _Default(default, example, env), "metadata": { _METADATA_KEY: _OptionMetadata( type=cls, kind=_OptionKind.STRUCTURE if is_config(cls) else _OptionKind.SIMPLE, help=help, ), }, } return field(**field_kwargs)
[docs]def option_list(cls: Type[_B], *, default: _DefaultArg[List[_B]] = None, example: _DefaultArg[List[_B]] = None, help: str): """Create a configuration option that contains a list of *cls* values. :param cls: Option type (see :func:`is_allowable_type`) :param default: Default value if no value is supplied (default: empty list) :param example: Default value when generating example configuration (default: empty list) :param help: Description of option, included when generating example configuration """ if not is_allowable_type(cls): raise TypeError(f"cls must be subclass of Config or one of {_TYPE_MAP.keys()}") if default is None: default = list if is_config(cls): inner_field = types.ModelType(cls, required=True) else: inner_field = _TYPE_MAP[cls](required=True) field_kwargs = { "required": True, # Disallow None as a value, empty list is fine "default": _Default(default, example), "metadata": { _METADATA_KEY: _OptionMetadata( type=cls, kind=_OptionKind.STRUCTURE_LIST if is_config(cls) else _OptionKind.SIMPLE_LIST, help=help, ), }, } return types.ListType(inner_field, **field_kwargs)
[docs]def option_map(cls: Type[_B], *, default: _DefaultArg[Dict[str, _B]] = None, example: _DefaultArg[Dict[str, _B]] = None, help: str): """Create a configuration option that contains a mapping of string keys to *cls* values. :param cls: Option type (see :func:`is_allowable_type`) :param default: Default value if no value is supplied (default: empty list) :param example: Default value when generating example configuration (default: empty list) :param help: Description of option, included when generating example configuration """ if not is_allowable_type(cls): raise TypeError(f"cls must be subclass of Config or one of {_TYPE_MAP.keys()}") if default is None: default = dict if is_config(cls): inner_field = types.ModelType(cls, required=True) else: inner_field = _TYPE_MAP[cls](required=True) field_kwargs = { "required": True, # Disallow None as a value, empty dict is fine "default": _Default(default, example), "metadata": { _METADATA_KEY: _OptionMetadata( type=cls, kind=_OptionKind.STRUCTURE_MAP if is_config(cls) else _OptionKind.SIMPLE_MAP, help=help, ), }, } return types.DictType(inner_field, **field_kwargs)
[docs]def make_example(cls: Type[Config]) -> Config: """Create an instance of *cls* without supplying data, using "example" or "default" values for each option.""" with example_mode(): o = cls() o.validate() return o
[docs]class TomlExampleGenerator: _BARE_KEY_REGEX = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$") _LIST_LINE_LENGTH_THRESHOLD = 120 def __init__(self, *, commented=False): self._stream = None self._commented = commented self._encoder = toml.TomlEncoder() self._at_start = True @contextmanager def _use_stream(self, new): """Make all :meth:`_write` and :meth:`_writeline` calls go to *new*.""" old = self._stream self._stream = new yield self._stream = old @contextmanager def _set_commented(self, new=True): """Make sure all non-empty lines start with ``#``.""" old = self._commented self._commented = new yield self._commented = old def _write(self, s, raw=False): """Write *s* to the current stream; if *raw* is True, don't apply comment filter.""" if not raw and self._commented: lines = s.split("\n") modified = [f"# {line}" if line and not line.startswith("#") else line for line in lines] s = "\n".join(modified) self._stream.write(s) self._at_start = False def _writeline(self, s, raw=False): """Write *s* to the current stream as a new line; if *raw* is True, don't apply comment filter.""" if not raw and self._commented and s and not s.startswith("#"): s = f"# {s}" s = f"{s}\n" self._write(s, raw=True)
[docs] def generate(self, obj: Union[Config, Type[Config]], stream: TextIO, prefix: List[str] = None): """Generate an example from *obj* and write it to *stream*.""" if inspect.isclass(obj): obj_ = make_example(obj) else: obj_ = cast(Config, obj) assert is_config(obj) if prefix is None: prefix = [] with self._use_stream(stream): self._generate_structure(obj_, prefix)
def _generate_option(self, example: Any, field: types.BaseType, absolute_path: List[str], relative_path: List[str]): """ Generate "## <help>" (if present) Generate option example: _generate_simple _generate_simple_list _generate_simple_map _generate_structure _generate_structure_list _generate_structure_map """ metadata = self._get_metadata(field) if self._writeline(f"## {}") if metadata.kind is _OptionKind.SIMPLE: self._generate_simple(example, relative_path) elif metadata.kind is _OptionKind.SIMPLE_LIST: self._generate_simple_list(example, relative_path) elif metadata.kind is _OptionKind.SIMPLE_MAP: self._generate_simple_map(example, relative_path) elif metadata.kind is _OptionKind.STRUCTURE: self._generate_structure(example, absolute_path) elif metadata.kind is _OptionKind.STRUCTURE_LIST: self._generate_structure_list(example, absolute_path) elif metadata.kind is _OptionKind.STRUCTURE_MAP: self._generate_structure_map(example, absolute_path) def _generate_simple(self, example: Any, relative_path: List[str]): """ Generate <relative_path> = toml(<example>) """ key = self._make_key(relative_path) if example is None: self._writeline(f"# {key} =") else: self._writeline(f"{key} = {self._encoder.dump_value(example)}") def _generate_simple_list(self, example: List[Any], relative_path: List[str]): """ Generate <relative_path> = toml(<example>) """ key = self._make_key(relative_path) items = [str(self._encoder.dump_value(x)) for x in example] output = f"{key} = [{', '.join(items)}]\n" if len(items) > 0 and len(output) > self._LIST_LINE_LENGTH_THRESHOLD: output = ",\n ".join(items) + "," output = f"{key} = [\n {output}\n]\n" self._write(output) def _generate_simple_map(self, example: Dict[str, Any], relative_path: List[str]): """ Generate <relative_path>.<key> = toml(<example[key]>) for each key in <example> """ if len(example) == 0: key = self._make_key(relative_path + ["_key_"]) self._writeline(f"# {key} = _value_") else: for k, v in example.items(): self._generate_simple(v, relative_path + [k]) def _generate_structure(self, example: Config, absolute_path: List[str], is_list_item: bool = False): """ Generate section heading: Nothing if top-levell [<absolute_path>] if option or map item [[<absolute_path>]] if list item Generate all "simple" options Generate all "structure" options """ if absolute_path: key = self._make_key(absolute_path) if example is None: self._write("# ") if is_list_item: self._writeline(f"[[{key}]]") else: self._writeline(f"[{key}]") if example is None: return deferred = [] for atom in example.atoms(): metadata = self._get_metadata(atom.field) if not metadata.kind.is_simple: # Write sections after simple values deferred.append(atom) continue self._generate_option(atom.value, atom.field, absolute_path + [], []) for atom in deferred: self._write("\n") self._generate_option(atom.value, atom.field, absolute_path + [], []) def _generate_structure_list(self, example: List[Any], absolute_path: List[str]): """ For each item in <example>: Generate structure with [[<absolute_path>]] heading """ if len(example) == 0: key = self._make_key(absolute_path) self._writeline(f"# [[{key}]]") else: for item in example: self._generate_structure(item, absolute_path, is_list_item=True) def _generate_structure_map(self, example: Dict[str, Any], absolute_path: List[str]): """ For each item in <example>: Generate structure from <example[key]> with [<absolute_path>.<key>] heading """ if len(example) == 0: key = self._make_key(absolute_path) self._writeline(f"# [{key}._key_]") else: for name, value in example.items(): self._generate_structure(value, absolute_path + [name]) @classmethod def _get_metadata(cls, field: types.BaseType) -> _OptionMetadata: return field.metadata[_METADATA_KEY] @classmethod def _make_key(cls, path): return ".".join([_ if cls._BARE_KEY_REGEX.match(_) else _dump_str(_) for _ in path])
[docs]def generate_toml_example(obj: Union[Config, Type[Config]], commented: bool = False) -> str: """Generate an example configuration from *obj* as a TOML string.""" stream = io.StringIO() generator = TomlExampleGenerator(commented=commented) generator.generate(obj, stream) return stream.getvalue()